How Much Draw Weight Do Bowhunters Need?
Draw weight is one of the important things that hunters need to know.
If you are also new and want to know what draw weight is, how to measure draw weight of your bow, and other important things about draw weight then here is a comprehensive guide for you.
As your broadhead needs to be tuned and sharpened, similarly it is very important to know about all the physical terms of archery hunting for becoming a professional hunter.
Draw weight is an elementary phrase that helps you in measuring the force to pull the bow at your considerable point to shoot your target.
For determining the proper draw weight of your bow, you need to learn some basic skills that will be enhanced by doing shooting practices in all the ways.
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However, you do not need to go anywhere, because in this article I will guide you on how to find the draw force of your bow.
So, without making whiles, let’s take an overview to figure out some basics of this term just in a couple of minutes.
What is Draw Weight?
A measurable force required to pull back the string of bow to shoot the targets in a very fast way from the long distances.
If your bow has 70lbs weight, it means you need an equal amount of force(70lbs) to lift up your bow from the ground.
There are some factors on which your bow’s draw weight depends but the rigid or strict behavior of limbs is the major one that greatly influenced.
Greater the draw weight of your bow will show the more inflexibility and rigidity in its behavior, as compared to the lower one.
What is The Adjustable Draw Weight?

In the early days of bowhunting sport, you could balance your bow up to 10 pounds.
But in recent years, the latest bows are designed especially for the kids and women by adjusting the maximum draw weight about 50lbs.
By using the bow with greater draw weight, kids are able to increase their draw length without replacing the limbs.
There is a maximum marked reading of draw weight on the bow, so you can adjust your bow according to your need, easily.
Some traditional bows such as recurve bows are designed in a particular ratio of draw weight about 55lbs as well as draw length (28”).
So, if you pull the string up to above 28”, then your draw weight will automatically increase to a few pounds. So, in this way you should be careful while drawing the string.
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How to Determine Your Optimal Draw Weight?
If you are a beginner or recreational hunter and want to become a professional archer then your draw weight matters for your successful hunting by choosing the right bow.
According to Randy Walk, the president of Hoyt archery, “Determining the actual draw weight is a very important factor while choosing the bow”.
To find out the proper draw weight you can either use a draw weight scale or judge is yourself which depends on your experience and all the physical abilities to control the draw cycle as well as broadheads.
You need to draw back your bowstring smoothly for shooting the target.
So, you will be bent forward or backward or lift your bow towards the sky and bear the heaviest draw weight as compared to its actual weight.
In this way, your bow may be out of control, and injury chances will be more.
You will face more inflexibility and rigidity in the case of drawing the bow while you sit down.
If you feel a smooth backway of string then it means you have managed your draw weight and your bow is ready to shoot exactly without any restriction.
Now, note the marked reading of your bow and shoot the targets confidently.
Once you have found your draw weight, just look at the draw weight of wildlife hunting regulations. In these states, most of the bowhunters use the minimum draw weight of about 33-50pounds.
If your draw weight is perfectly matched with the hunting regulations then you are able to draw your bow effectively to shoot your fixed target, comfortably.
In order to lower your draw weight, you should practice by using your bow to increase your draw weight strength.
Some Other Archery Terms
However, there are many hunters who have no proper guide about all other terms of archery sport such as draw length and arrow weight, etc.

So, before going to hunt anywhere, it is too important to have all the useful terms within all of its factors to use while shooting a target.
Draw length
Draw length is the measurement of your bow that determines how far you pull it back from its actual point for shooting the deer or elk in the fields.
A bow with greater draw length produces more energy in the arrowheads as compared to shooting the target with the same bow of lower draw length.
It is measured in inches just as your clothes get tailored and it is also easy to measure draw length of a bow.
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Arrow weight
For gaining the deep penetration, you need to buy the best quality broadheads, and bolts with heavier weight because it gains more energy to shoot.
As there are different types of broadheads available in the market but for achieving the deep piercing and more blood, you should have the fixed blade broadhead, the best one.
Final Verdict
Well, we have escorted all the basics of archery terms that are commonly used in the daily life of bowhunters, and also figured out all the important tips to determine the proper draw weight.